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Dairy Engineering (DE-402) Assignment

Pressure loss, also known as pressure drop, is the decrease in pressure as measured between two points in a flowing fluid system. Pressure drop occurring along the direction of flow in a pipe is caused by fluid friction, both internal in the fluid itself, as well as with the piping surfaces, piping restrictions or sudden changes in the geometry of the flow path. Pressure loss is directly related to fluid velocity, specific gravity, viscosity and the size, shape, and roughness of the pipe interior. Pressure drop is a critical element in valve sizing and valve selection. Pressure loss is expressed in two ways; through a flow coefficient (CV) value, or an equivalent length of pipe. CV expresses flow rate in gallons per minute (gpm) of water at 70° F, with a 1 psi pressure drop across the valve, when the valve is in the full open position. Equivalent length of pipe converts the pressure drop to the equivalent pressure drop incurred in a length of pipe operating under the same volumetric

Human Nutrition (DC-513) Assignment

ID: 30 - 35 Pantothenic Acid and Vitamin C Overview Pantothenic acid is a vitamin, also known as vitamin B5. It is widely found in both plants and animals including meat, vegetables, cereal grains, legumes, eggs, and milk. Pantothenic acid is important for our bodies to properly use carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids and for healthy skin. Uses 1. Pantothenic acid deficiency. 2. Skin reactions from radiation therapy: Applying dexpanthenol to affected area. 3. Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 4. Other Uses: Dry eyes,Eye trauma, Osteoarthritis, Recovery after surgery, Rheumatoid arthritis, Nasal dryness, Sinus infection, Skin irritation, Sprains, Alcoholism, Allergies, Hair loss, Asthma, Heart problems, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Lung disorders, Colitis, Eye infections (conjunctivitis), Convulsions, Kidney disorders, Dandruff, Depression, Diabetic problems, Enhancing immune function, Headache, Hyperactivity, Low blood pressure, Inability to sleep (insomnia), Irr

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (ME-502) Assignment: System of Refrigeration

Basic Refrigeration System If you were to place a hot cup of coffee on a table and leave it for a while, the heat in the coffee would be transferred to the materials in contact with the coffee, i.e. the cup, the table and the surrounding air. As the heat is transferred, the coffee in time cools. Using the same principle, refrigeration works by removing heat from a product and transferring that heat to the outside air. Refrigeration System Components There are five basic components of a refrigeration system, these are: - Evaporator - Compressor - Condenser - Expansion Valve - Refrigerant; to conduct the heat from the product In order for the refrigeration cycle to operate successfully each component must be present within the refrigeration system. The Evaporator  The purpose of the evaporator is to remove unwanted heat from the product, via the liquid refrigerant. The liquid refrigerant contained within the evaporator is boiling at a low-pressure. The level of this

Traditional Indian Dairy Products (DT-303) Assignment

Traditional Indian Dairy Products In the rural India surplus milk is converted into a variety of traditional products primarily as a means of preservation. These products include curd, ghee, khoa, chhana, paneer, shrikhand and a variety of milk sweets, some of which are now increasingly produced even by the organized sector milk plants. In addition to preservation of milk solids for longer time at room temperature, manufacture of traditional dairy products add value to milk and also provide considerable employment opportunity. It is estimated that about 50% of total milk produced in India is converted into traditional milk products. Traditional dairy products not only have established market in India but also great export potential because of strong presence of Indian diaspora in many parts of the world. The organized dairy sector has not done much in terms of investments in research and development of innovative dairy products. The product portfolio of the Indian dairy industry h

Fat Rich Dairy Products (DT - 402) Assignment

CONTINUOUS BUTTER MAKING Continuous butter making, introduced after World War II, increased the efficiency and output of butter manufacture. To overcome the disadvantage of batch method of production continuous method is evolved and it has the following advantages: 1. Highly economical: Due to reduced labour cost, reduced power consumption. 2. More hygienic: Because it is processed under closed system, no manual handling is necessary and no chance for air borne contamination. 3. Quicker: Butter can be produced in a span of few minutes from cream. 4. Large volume can be easily produced. 5. Can be connected directly to packaging lines. 1. Churning or frothing: In this method butter grain is formed by aggregation of the fat globules under the action of air present in the cream. During churning, air is beaten into the cream and is dispersed into small bubbles. The fat globules touch these bubbles, often spread part of their membrane substances and some of their liquid fa