The content belong to their respective owners. No copyright violations intended. Market Milk (Dr. SNT) Market milk refers to the fluid milk which is available to be sold in the market for human consumption i.e., complete processed milk. Different types of Market Milk 1. Full Cream Milk As per FSSR, full cream milk should contain a minimum of 6% of fat and 9% of SNF. 2. Standardized Milk As per FSSR, stsndardized milk should contain a minimum of 4.5% of fat and 8.5% of SNF. 3. Toned Milk As per FSSR, toned milk should contain a minimum of 3% of milk fat and 8.5% of SNF. 4. Double Toned Milk As per FSSR, double toned milk should contain minimum of 1.5% of fat and 9% of SNF. 5. Skimmed Milk Skimmed milk should contain not more than 0.5% of fat, whereas SNF content should not be less than 8.7%. Clean Milk Production It is important that the bacterial population in milk should be as low as possible, because milk could be a potential carrier of the disease causing m...