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Market Milk (Dr. SNT) |
Market milk refers to the fluid milk which is available to be sold in the market for human consumption i.e., complete processed milk.
Different types of Market Milk
1. Full Cream Milk
As per FSSR, full cream milk should contain a minimum of 6% of fat and 9% of SNF.
2. Standardized Milk
As per FSSR, stsndardized milk should contain a minimum of 4.5% of fat and 8.5% of SNF.
3. Toned Milk
As per FSSR, toned milk should contain a minimum of 3% of milk fat and 8.5% of SNF.
4. Double Toned Milk
As per FSSR, double toned milk should contain minimum of 1.5% of fat and 9% of SNF.
5. Skimmed Milk
Skimmed milk should contain not more than 0.5% of fat, whereas SNF content should not be less than 8.7%.
Different types of Market Milk
1. Full Cream Milk
As per FSSR, full cream milk should contain a minimum of 6% of fat and 9% of SNF.
2. Standardized Milk
As per FSSR, stsndardized milk should contain a minimum of 4.5% of fat and 8.5% of SNF.
3. Toned Milk
As per FSSR, toned milk should contain a minimum of 3% of milk fat and 8.5% of SNF.
4. Double Toned Milk
As per FSSR, double toned milk should contain minimum of 1.5% of fat and 9% of SNF.
5. Skimmed Milk
Skimmed milk should contain not more than 0.5% of fat, whereas SNF content should not be less than 8.7%.
Clean Milk Production
It is important that the bacterial population in milk should be as low as possible, because milk could be a potential carrier of the disease causing microoraganism. Since most of organism gain entry into milk after it leaves the udder. Their population should be fairly controlled by proper senitary care during production and handling of milk, any extrineous material that comes to milk adds large number of microoraganisms into milk. These microoraganisms could be pathogenic and non-pathogenic in nature. However, the presence of both the type of organism in milk is objectionable, they can cause spoilage as well as health hazard, if milk is consumed before harmful microoraganisms are destroyed. Hence, it become more important to emphazise the need of clean milk production.
Following factors should be considered for Clean Milk Production:
1. Health of Animal: Milk should be drawn only from healthy animals. Animals should be free from infecteous disease, those animals which are either sick or have infection of any kind should be isolated and either should not be milked or milk produced by them should be handled separatly.
2. Cleaning of Animal: Animal should be given a bath before milking, if it is not possible then the udder and adjoining pert should be washed thoroughly, teats should be cleaned with disinfectant solution and dried with clean cloth dipped in chlorine solution.
3. Using Small Topped Milking Pails: Normally, 50% of the dirt which falls in the milk could be prevented by using small topped container. Milking pails should be washed immediately after milking is over, they should be washed with clean water followed by detergent washing and finally with clean water, the milking pails after proper washing should be steralized by heat treatment or keeping it under bright sunlight.
4. Health and Cleanliness of Milker: Milker should be free from infecteous diseases and should be in sound health. Milker should clean the handle before milking until clean water and hands should be wipped of with a cloth dipped in Chlorine solution.
5. Milking Barn: It is essential that the place where milking is done is kept clean. The barn should be well ventilated. There should be adequate lighting arrangements. Cleaning of barn should be done atleast one hour before milking accumulation of dung and urine should be avaided. It should be protected from mosquitoes, flies, rats, cockroses, etc.
6. Straining of Milk: Straining helps to remove large size objects which comes into milk from external sources. For straining either metallic strainer or muslin (cotton) cloth is used.
7. Cooling of Milk: Milk should be cooled to less than 5 degree Celcius as quickly as possible, immediate after milking. This process will help to check the growth of microoraganisms which have gained entries into the milk. Freshly drawn milk has temperature of approximately 38 degree Celcius which is highly suitable for the bacterial growth.
It is important that the bacterial population in milk should be as low as possible, because milk could be a potential carrier of the disease causing microoraganism. Since most of organism gain entry into milk after it leaves the udder. Their population should be fairly controlled by proper senitary care during production and handling of milk, any extrineous material that comes to milk adds large number of microoraganisms into milk. These microoraganisms could be pathogenic and non-pathogenic in nature. However, the presence of both the type of organism in milk is objectionable, they can cause spoilage as well as health hazard, if milk is consumed before harmful microoraganisms are destroyed. Hence, it become more important to emphazise the need of clean milk production.
Following factors should be considered for Clean Milk Production:
1. Health of Animal: Milk should be drawn only from healthy animals. Animals should be free from infecteous disease, those animals which are either sick or have infection of any kind should be isolated and either should not be milked or milk produced by them should be handled separatly.
2. Cleaning of Animal: Animal should be given a bath before milking, if it is not possible then the udder and adjoining pert should be washed thoroughly, teats should be cleaned with disinfectant solution and dried with clean cloth dipped in chlorine solution.
3. Using Small Topped Milking Pails: Normally, 50% of the dirt which falls in the milk could be prevented by using small topped container. Milking pails should be washed immediately after milking is over, they should be washed with clean water followed by detergent washing and finally with clean water, the milking pails after proper washing should be steralized by heat treatment or keeping it under bright sunlight.
4. Health and Cleanliness of Milker: Milker should be free from infecteous diseases and should be in sound health. Milker should clean the handle before milking until clean water and hands should be wipped of with a cloth dipped in Chlorine solution.
5. Milking Barn: It is essential that the place where milking is done is kept clean. The barn should be well ventilated. There should be adequate lighting arrangements. Cleaning of barn should be done atleast one hour before milking accumulation of dung and urine should be avaided. It should be protected from mosquitoes, flies, rats, cockroses, etc.
6. Straining of Milk: Straining helps to remove large size objects which comes into milk from external sources. For straining either metallic strainer or muslin (cotton) cloth is used.
7. Cooling of Milk: Milk should be cooled to less than 5 degree Celcius as quickly as possible, immediate after milking. This process will help to check the growth of microoraganisms which have gained entries into the milk. Freshly drawn milk has temperature of approximately 38 degree Celcius which is highly suitable for the bacterial growth.