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Vandana Luthra: Queen of wellness building an empire

Over the years, she has stood the test of time, criticism and competition, to become an authority on wellness – a concept that was as alien in the 1980s, as starting up was. Vandana Luthra started VLCC as a wellness center in 1989 on a small bank loan, with a focus on health and beauty in New Delhi.

Awarded the Padma Shri in 2013 for her contribution in the field of trade and industry, Vandana was also listed in Fortune India in 2015 as the 33rd most powerful woman in business in India. Given her expertise in the field, the current Modi government has appointed her as the Chairperson of the Beauty & Wellness Sector Skill Council. She is also a General Body Member of the New Delhi-based Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga and a member of both the Steering Committee and the Sub-Committee formed by India’s Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship on the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana.
While her list of achievements is long, the success came with a lot of hard work and sacrifice. Sheer passion, doggedness and self-belief have kept Vandana going from day one.

Starting up in the 1980s
“When I started, there were hardly any women entrepreneurs. It was a male-dominated environment. I had to face a lot of criticism, a lot of people tried to ensure that I did not succeed and grow. The only thing I believed in was that my concept was unique, unusual and it was being introduced in India for the first time,” she says. Vandana wanted to start out on her own even though her husband offered to fund her initially. “My husband was very supportive and offered to fund my dream but I was adamant that I would not take money from anyone. I booked the place and took a small loan and got started,” she says.
Since the brand and the concept were unique, people loved it and clients came flocking. So did the celebrities residing nearby. And when they got the desired results, Vandana’s confidence went up a notch. She broke even in the very first month and in the next few months she started getting return on investment too.
Initial hiccups
In the initial days she faced strong criticism and had a tough time convincing doctors and the medical fraternity about working with nutritionists and cosmetologists. “It took me a good five to six years to convince the medical fraternity to understand that wellness was a larger domain and it required the collaboration of beauty, health and fitness experts; in other words a cosmetologist, a nutritionist and a doctor. Eventually I did manage to convince them,” Vandana says.
The one goal
While, she was born into highly educated middle-class family, her perspective of the world was driven by simplicity.

Wellness and its evolution
Vandana was flooded with queries from people, since the concept of wellness was new. Today, the industry has blossomed and evolved. “People are more educated, women have started to work and they all want to look good, feel good and feel positive. In fact, I am now working with the government and next year you will see the change. Almost 65 percent of this unorganised sector will be organised. We are creating awareness, employment, training through the government,” Vandana explains.


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