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Jack Dorsey Success Story

Jack Dorsey is one of the world’s most popular entrepreneurs from the US. He is the co-founder and CEO of the globally popular social media platform, Twitter. Apart from Twitter, Jack also has major stakes in Square, a popular mobile payment gateway service provider, where he is also the founder and CEO as well.

Jack Dorsey was born on the 19th of November, 1976 in St. Louis, Missouri. He is the son of Tim and Marcia (nee Smith) Dorsey. Tim Dorsey worked in a company making mass spectrometers while Marcia has been a housewife.

Dorsey was raised in St. Louis and attended the Bishop DuBourg High School, a Catholic high school in his home town. Later he went on to attend the Missouri University of Science and Technology before transferring to the New York University Tandon School of Engineering. He later dropped out of the university to pursue his career goals.

In 1990, at age 14 years Jack developed several open source dispatch routing software some of which are still in use by various taxi companies. While attending the New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering, Jack came up with the idea for Twitter.On the 21st of March, 2006, angel investors and founders Evan Williams, Stone and Noah Glass launched Twitter, after separating it from Obvious Corporation and appointed Jack Dorsey as the CEO. In October of 2008, Jack was removed from the position of CEO and went on to hold the position of Chairman of the Board. In March of 2011, Jack was appointed as Executive Chairman of Twitter after recent reshuffling in the organization. In October of 2015, Jack was again appointed as the CEO of Twitter.In May of 2010, Jack launched an innovative mobile payment gateway services, named Square. This small square-shaped mobile-add on device was aimed at allowing comparatively smaller merchants to accept payments from end-customers using their credit/debit cards while shopping. This  ideal invention allowed smaller businesses to facilitate credit card and debit card payments from customers by connecting the Square device to an Android-powered or iOS-based internet device (such as smartphones, tablets, etc). This acts as a virtual card-reader and the merchant can simply swipe the card in the given slot to make payment transactions into their merchant bank accounts.This innovative new card payment system also allows merchants to send a free copy of the receipt to the end-user through an email or SMS. In June of 2011, within a year, Square had grown from just 10 employees to over 100 employees the company went public in October of 2015 to a tremendous response from share investors all over the world. In December of 2013, Jack was also named as a member of board of directors at The Walt Disney Company.

Personal Life:
Jack is currently in a relationship with Kate Greer. Jack Dorsey in estimated to be personally worth $1.17 billion as of 2016.

1) 2012: Innovator of the Year By the Wall Street Journal


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