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Showing posts from October, 2017


The venturi meter is a reliable flow measuring device. Furthermore, it causes little pressure loss. For these reasons it is widely used, particularly for large-volume liquid and gas flows. However this meter is relatively complex to construct and hence expensive. Especially for small pipelines, it's cost seems prohibitive, so simpler devices such as orifice meter are used. The orifice meter consists of a flat orifice plate with a circular hole drilled in it. there is a pressure tap upstream from the orifice plate and another just downstream. there are three recognized methods of placing the taps. and the coefficient of the meter depends upon the position of taps. Orifice meter - a plate having a central hole that is placed across the flow of a liquid, usually between flanges in a pipeline. The pressure difference generated by the flow velocity through the hole enables the fow quantity to be measured. Orifice Meter Difference between the equation for an orifice plate and a v


The first milk drawn from animals always contains microorganisms. The bacteria include lactic steptococci, coliform bacteria, psychotropic Gram-negative bacteria. The negative rods are Thermoduric which survive pasterization.  Example: enterocci, and bacilli. Disease free dairy personal and utilization of sanitary equipment help in reducing the number of bacterial contaminats from external sources.   For the production of different dairy products, it is required to have appropriate culture of microorganisms. The pure culture or mother culture or stock culture are available in lyophilized or freezedried form. Stock culture of desired of desired organisms may be maintained in the dairy cultures of lactic streptoci, Leuconostoc, and Lactobacillus are used. MICROORGANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH DAIRY PRODUCTS  In the dairy, fermented milk are produced by inculating pasteurised milk with a known culture of microorganisms, sometimes referred to as a starter c