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What is Hurdle Technology?

Hurdle technology is a method of ensuring that pathogens in food products can be eliminated or controlled. This means the food products will be safe for consumption, and their shelf life will be extended. Hurdle technology usually works by combining more than one approach. These approaches can be thought of as "hurdles" the pathogen has to overcome if it is to remain active in the food. The right combination of hurdles can ensure all pathogens are eliminated or rendered harmless in the final product. Hurdle technology has been defined by Leistner (2000) as an intelligent combination of hurdles which secures the microbial safety and stability as well as the organoleptic and nutritional quality and the economic viability of food products. The organoleptic quality of the food refers to its sensory properties, that is its look, taste, smell and texture. Examples of hurdles in a food system are high temperature during processing, low temperature during storage, increasing the

Microorganisms associated with Raw Milk. Morphological & Biocharacter. Significant of Psychrotrophs, Mesophiles, Thermophiles and Thermoduric.

Types of microorganisms and their Activity in Milk Psychrotrophic referes to microorganisms which are able to grow at temperature less than 7 degree Celcius. Cold milk storage and transport selects for psychrotrophic bacteria which are often proteolytic and lipolytic. Common psychrotropic bacteria in milk are species of Micrococci , Bacilli , Staphylococci , Lactobacillus , Pseudomonas and Coliforms pseudommonas species are the most common and typically have the most impact on quality. At tenperatures of 2-4% degree Celcius, bacterial groeth in milk is mainly due to strains of Pseudomonas flourescens little growth occurs at temperature less than 2 degree Celcius. Pseudomonas flourescens microscopic figure Spore forming bacteria are able to exist in a highly stable form called 'spores'. In the spore stste, these bacteria are able to withstand greater extremes of activity, temperature and desiccation. Enzymes are biological catalysts that accelerates the rates of b

Dairy Microbiology of Fluid Milk

Hygenic milk production system; microbial quality of milk produced under organised and unorganised milk sector in India and composition with developed countries. Microbial and non-microbial contaminent their sources entry points and effects. In milk during the various stages of production and processing. Good hygenic practices (GHP) during milk production operation and processing. Microorganisms associated with raw milk is mainly; morphological and biochemical characteristics of important group and their classification. Significance of different group of bacteria i.e., Cyclotrophs, Mesophilic, Thermoduric and Thermophyl. Microbial changes in bulk refrigerated raw milk, impact of various stages like milking, chilling, storage and transportation. On microbial quality of milk with special reference to cyclotrophic organism. Direct and indirect rapid technique for assesment of microbial quality of milk in industries. Role of microorganism in spoilage of milk, souring, curding, p

Heat and Mass Transfer

Click Here, HMT, Page 1-20 Click Here, HMT, Page 21-46 .

Engineering Thermodynamics

Engineering Thermodynamics

DT Lab

DT Lab EXPERIMENT - 01 Object Identification of Dairy Tools . Apparatus Off the Bottom Milk Sediment Tester, Cream Sampler, Plunger, Milk Theif, Butter Traier, Scotch Hand, Ladle, Ice Cream Scoop, Butter Scoop, Centrifuge, Graduated Pipette, Double Bulb Acid Pipette, 10.75 ml Milk Pipette, 1 ml Emyl alcohol Pipette, Milk Butyrometer, Stopper, Key, 10 ml Automatic Tilt Measure, 1 ml Automatic Tilt Measure, Lactometer, Dairy Floating Thermometer, Deep Frying Thermometer, Separate Bowl Assembly, Cream Spout (Outlet), Skim Milk Spout. (a) Off the Bottom Milk Sediment Tester: This dairy tool is used for detection of presence of sediments in milk. (b) Cream  Sampler: Cream sampler is used for sampling of cream. (c) Plunger: Plunger is used for proper mixing of milk on to the tank. (d) Milk Theif: This dairy tool is used for taking a sample of butter. (e) Scotch Hand: Scotch Hand is used for stering of milk (usually small quantity of milk) while heating. (f) Ladle: Ladle is

Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics Click to Download

Experiments of Chemistry of Milk

EXPERIMENT - 1 Objective Identification of Glassware/apparatus used in Dairy Chemistry Laboratory . Apparatus Test tube, Beaker, Measuring Cylinder, Conical Flask, Volumetric Flask, Funnel, Pipette, Glass Rod, Spatula, Dropper, Aluminium Dish, Silica Crucible, Test Tube Stand, Burette, Burette Stand, Gerber Milk Butyrometer, Lactometer, Stalagnometer, Ostwal Viscometer, Specific Gravity Bottle. (a) Test Tube It is used for holding small amount of chemical for conducting chemical reaction. (b) Measuring Cylinder It is used for measuring different quantities of chemical/reagents. (c) Beaker It is used for holding, storage and for preparation of chemicals and is also used for heating and boiling purpose. (d) Conical Flask It is used for holding/preparation and storage of chemicals and reagents. (e) Volumetric Flask This is used for preparation of segments where exact/definite volume of reagents required. (f) Funnel It is used for transferring of chemical reagents.